The wreath from Pavlo Ivanovich Kharitonenko has remained till now on the tomb of Aristide Croisy in France, isn’t it?

Kushnirov P.V., Mengozzi A. The wreath from Pavlo Ivanovich Kharitonenko has remained till now on the tomb of Aristide Croisy in France, isn’t it?

  • The events are connected with funeral of the French sculptor of the second half of XIX century Aristide Croisy, the author of some monuments in Sumy, are considered. It is proved in it. As you can see there is the wreath which was being sent to that funeral by the well-known manufacturer of sugar and patron of art Pavlo Ivanovich Kharitonenko. And it is has remained till now.
  • Pavlo Ivanovich Kharitonenko, Aristide Croisy, monuments
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