The Vyshgorodskiy memorial and borisoglebskie relicts in the context of forming of the ancient Kiev cult complex

Vereschaginа N.V.  The Vyshgorodskiy memorial and borisoglebskie relicts in the context of forming of the ancient Kiev cult complex

  • The forms of veneration of saint Kyivan princes Boris and Gleb’s relics are researched in the article. The data about Old Russian reliquaries which contain these relics are systematized in the text. Architectural and decorative setting of the princes’ memorial in Vyshgorod is analyzed and its connection with sacred archetype – the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, is underlined. The destination of veneration of Boris and Gleb’s relics for the formation of basis of the sacred Old Kyivan cult complex is indicated.
  • Vyshgorodskiy memorial, Boris’ and Gleb’s relics, architectural and decorative design, ancient Kyiv sacted-cultic complex
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