Hlukhiv teachers training institute in the education system of the north-eastern part of Ukraine in the second half of the XIX-th century and the beginning of the XX-th century

Zaika V. V. Hlukhiv teachers training institute in the education system of the north-eastern part of Ukraine in the second half of the XIX-th century and the beginning of the XX-th century

  • The article analyses the main moments of the education system development in the northeastern part of Ukraine in the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century. The object of the investigation is the complicated process of realizing by the state and the society the necessity of forming the new principles of the social development after the total state crisis of the Russian Empire in the middle of the XX century and the educators role in this process. The article investigates the activity of Hlukhiv teachers training institute first directors, the creative results of the numerous glorious teachers who glorified this educational establishment at the investigated period. The article leads to the conclusion as for the necessity of keeping and every possible using the achievements and traditions of the education activity at the end of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century in general and the activity of Hlukhiv teachers training institute in particular.
  • Hlukhiv teachers training institute, second half of the XIX-th century – beginning of the XX-th century
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